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Writer's pictureKim Vassaur Freeman

Duck Diva’s Well-Wishes for 2022

My, my…here we are, it’s already 2022. My family and I wish ’21 was a great year for you and your family, and ’22 will be a best year ever! These days, good health is more of a concern than ever and something I wish to all of you in the year to come. We all have so many blessings to be thankful for. One of my most wonderful blessings is having you as a part of who I am and what we do at The Elms Lodge. While we are friends, you are like family to me. A family I could have only wished for so many years ago when I took over care of the lodge. While I am ever so fortunate to be owner of the lodge, I am more of its caretaker. It has been in our family for 153 years. With a lineage such as this, I can only hope to leave it in better hands when it’s my turn to yield the reins to the next generation. How proud am I to mention The Elms is the largest female-owned and operated commercial duck hunting business in the South. Altogether, I’ll think fondly of you all in the year ahead and wish our paths cross often and much sooner than later. Do come hunt with us sometime.

May God Bless,

The Duck Diva

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Arkansas World-Class Duck Hunting, Field Leases & Lodging • 400 W. Elm Plantation Rd., Altheimer, AR 72004 • (501) 690-0164

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